Solid Modeling is a Powerful Tool for Procurement

Tip for Today #7: Solid Modeling is a Powerful Tool for Procurement

Using 3d modeling you’re able to look at objects in ways you couldn’t even do in real life. You’re able to cut them open. You’re able to pull them apart. Having that ability allows you to design differently and have a deeper knowledge of what you’re creating. Having the ability to show clients what their finalized sign would look like in three dimensions so that they can turn it around and see it. This significantly reduces the amount of communication errors that can take place. We’re able to show them high accuracy visualizations of what their project could look like. And we’re able to have a much more iterative process with them. 

With a 3d model, you are creating a single source of truth for your project. You are making one document that is housing, all of the information that you need for every part of your project. This means that all of your files are communicating with each other. 

Another benefit is rapid prototyping. And this means that you can take your digital model and turn it into a 3d print. And from there you can test it. You can see what’s wrong with it and update it with design changes. And you can do this again and again, until you get your design right. It’s actually a huge cost savings to do 3d modeling and 3d printing over standard manufacturing techniques, especially in the prototyping phase because when you wanna test something, you don’t always need the finalized materials. If you’re just trying to see how things fit together, you can do that using 3d printing. 

Solid modeling allows everything to be interconnected. It allows you to use digital modeling, 3d printing, 2d drawings in a way that everything comes together. This allows for clear communication, which is really important. Solid modeling is a powerful tool that makes concepts tangible.

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